We are pleased to share with you our propositions and let you discover our passions and vibes.
Of course you have the heart, in all his dimensions, which is in the center of our cares and massages ... like an evidence.
Life too, the one that let us be present everyday, present in our body and our energy of the moment. This permanent movement of life that we want to sustain and help you to keep, retrieve or just feel.
Touch is also very important for us. This is the reason why we propose initiations or training in line with real touch, sensitive touch, and presence in order to be permanently connected with our your own life.
And finally dance. Because our cares are also a dance with life, but also because in a few months we'll propose you to come and dance with us. To be continued ...
Pleased to meet you soon !
Propositions de Julie
Séance d' ostéopathie - 45 min - 70 euros
Séance de fasciathérapie - 45 min - 70 euros
Soin fascia-énergétique - 1h - 85 euros
Massage fasciarmonie - 1h15 - 90 euros
Plus d'infos :
Propositions de Claude
Soin énergétique + guidance (en cabinet ou à distance) - 45 minutes - 50 euros
Harmonisation de lieu (à distance ou sur place) - à partir de 50 euros + déplacement éventuel
Communication avec les défunts (en cabinet ou à distance) - 30 minutes - 40 euros
Nous contacter
Impasse des Mésanges
821 Route de Notre-Dame
06330 Roquefort-les-Pins
Julie Goldschmidt +33 6 63 22 30 37
Claude Marquis +33 6 15 46 56 91